A Life's Pursuit: The Power of Persistence

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Power of Persistence

Salvador Dali Persistence of Time

Persistence: intr.v. per·sist·ed, per·sist·ing, per·sists
1. To be obstinately repetitious, insistent, or tenacious.
2. To hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose, state, or undertaking despite obstacles, warnings, or setbacks.
3. To continue in existence; last:

grand canyon

What is the power of persistence and what can it accomplish? ...great things indeed. There are very few limits to it. The underlying nature of persistence can be rooted in clarity and focus of purpose. It is said that Alexander G. Bell tried 200+ times before he was successful in the telephone. He is quoted at, "The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion. Evenmoreso; let us not forget the Grand Canyon which began as a mere stream of water....tiny, small; but not insignificant! There are great lessons to be learned and gleened from nature and those who have been immortalized by history. So many lessons that are worth our time and study. Don't give up...look around and grow stronger! We MUST endeavor to focus our minds on those things most dear and ignore the distractions and "momentary afflictions." That river of focus, the persistence of clarity will yield its due harvest in its due season. Don't grow weary and don't be charmed or exhausted by the visible. This is a supernatural fight. The weapons are far greater than atoms and the restrictions of men. Guard the sacred treasures! Behold the power of persistence.....

signature lizard at desk

1 comment:

Bendy said...

I'm working on persistance today. I'm persistant in bending that doggone folder/inserter machine to my will! It is giving me FITS!