A Life's Pursuit: Dare the Devil

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dare the Devil

billy joel
"We all start in the stream"....a line from a Billy Joel song, River of Dreams....hmmm....what stream? Yeah, maybe the river of life; but all rivers begin smaller; so what was before that. From where? Is there a great cosmic river of souls that live out there and are funnelled down through empty newborns...some passage between here and there that requires one of those souls from wherever. ...maybe. Either way, its all fascinating stuff and yes, there are things we are not meant to know and things we can't know. Which begs the next question, is there such a thing as "never" and/or does it have a time limit? How can something have no beginning and no end? These kind of questions can boggle the mind.

I am reading several books at the same time. Superheroes and Philosophy by Tom and Matt Morris examines heroes and their motivations. Are they really what we think? For instance, Daredevil: the man without fear. The question presented, "does a man without fear, lack faith" or is it the other way around? "Is a man of faith, a man without fear?" I don't know. My daddy always said, "the graveyard is full of men without fear..." I believe that is where courage comes in. Faith has not so much to do with fear. Its what you do in spite of fear. What do you think? Can you examine life and discover the beginning, the stream that is the origin of your present river?

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