Well its official;
Barack Obama is our nations first black/African American president! There can be no question that there is a flaming somber rage in the air of Nashville, TN. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see, feel, perceive the invisible mist swirling throughout the city and maybe even state. Tennessee is a "McCain" state! or so they say.

Its most places you go. Its that stare, that glare and/or refusal to even make eye contact from "certain" people. I heard it once from a former colleague, "I'm glad you can work for me, I'm not sure I could do the same." Yeah, I should have been enraged; but rage rarely changed anyone's mind. Did it hurt? Yes, but we became very good friends a couple of years later. There's no wonder how some folks feel the way they do about some "darker" counterparts. Somtimes on somethings and some people, I have to agree. Its still ironic, maybe even moronic that a whole group is judged by the actions of a few. I have never seen it with any other race — and my friends are pretty diverse. A blonde friend once played a joke by calling Baskin Robbins after I had gone to get an office treat. There was only one Baskins; so thats the one she called acting like a detective and alerting them to be on the watchout for a well dressed black man who appears "normal" but has been casing and robbing stores. Everyone was shocked to see me return so promptly. After the shock wore off of my return and several questions, they fessed up to the plot. She didnt understand my anger or resentment. She didnt understand why I was concerned about "any" black male going into that store today. But she was blonde, she didnt have to understand — she would never know or have any idea how many people would probably be harassed because of what she thought would be "funny." After all the ignorant replies of it was just a joke, dont get bent out of shape, blah blah blah, I kindly explained it this way. A white guy robs a store, the next white guy walks in and its "how can I help you today." A black guy robs a store and its "watch this one" for every other black guy that comes in...afterall, they're all alike or know each other.... Yeah, you may disagree; but really look around today and see if you can smell the undercurrent. Just because you dont see the air, doesnt mean you arent breathing it or its any less real. Thats real and I'm not willing to pretend it isnt. Are you?

With that said, today marks an incredible opportunity in American history. The slave becomes the leader. No, I dont want anything from anybody or their ancestors. I dont need any handouts and I dont want somebody elses. In the immortal words of James Brown,
"just open up the door and I'll get it myself. I grew up working hard from meager beginnings. Aint nothing wrong with working hard; but also work smart. I am reminded of Lincoln's "
Reconstruction Plan." He understood that everybody would be at different places with the state of the union. Some would need to be ushered into this new world. Some would never make the journey. Generations of hate and fear (on both sides) take time to overcome. After the
divisive Civil War, 1861-65, The U.S.A. was faced with the challenge of rebuilding both the South, the relationship between states, and the federal government. After years in marketing, I have grown to note "buzz words" quickly. Last night the term "divisive" kept coming up from the commentators. I wonder why.... Hate and fear have their own dialect. Sometimes the things we fear is the possibility of being subjected to what we dealt out to someone else.

I think it was a tremendous election. Two great candidates. Nothing can be taken from McCain or Obama. I suspect either would have been a good leader in that sense. In fact I would have enjoyed seeing them on the same ticket because their strengths and weaknesses would have complimented each other. I dont care much for politics, never have; but I do understand the great sacrifices of those who paid blood, families and indignities that such a right could be afforded to the formerly enslaved and even women. American history is not the prettiest of pictures but it does illustrate what good and bad we are capable of and how unity can win over fear and faith can send us trembling scared into a dark future of possibilities into a foreign room of the future with no idea where the furniture is located. Let us not be so quick to curse the first stubbing of the toe...everyone's done it and survived to walk farther into the room. That's how humans find their way. Congratulations to the President-Elect and his family. Congratulations to Senator McCain on a well run campaign and some incredible military service! Congratulations AMERICA for graduating highschool.
Its more than a black thang; its an American Thang!
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