I had an early morning conversation with him just to say hello and hear his voice. It is a voice long and deep embedded in my comfort zone. It is a voice that I derive direction, common sense and peace when I hear it. I guess we always are marked by those early years. Many have asked me "why I didn't do this or that?" and the answer was simple. There was no question that at some point Daddy would be home.... If I heard it once, I heard it a million times from my mother, "Wait 'til your daddy gets home!" He worked most of the time and practically still does.
As a kid, you think that if I am sleep, I will be safe or clear. Or if I tell momma first, then she can tell him easier — none of those mattered for me or any of the other 5 of us. He was very firm with the first 4 and very black and white. If we were working; then we were probably going to be ok...no patience for laziness and no excuses for stealing.
Anyway, I am much older now and still appreciate my raisings that have severely prevented me from getting into most typical troubles. At the sound of his voice, I can regain my comfort and peace and set out for direction again. Some of his most memorable words come back to me often:
...just 'cause the light is green; don't mean go...(what a keeper)
...oil and water are the life of a motor.... (applies to many things)
I understand and I am thankful for all your Dad did to help you be the great man you are today
What a beautiful family! And just how many of those glow in the dark shirts do you have?????
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