I was on, if not ahead, of schedule slightly and thought I would saunter into the local Starbucks and get my courage of the day. Normally, I just get something safe and healthy, china green tips green tea — good for you and your wallet. But it was Friday and it's been a stressful week; so why not dare to do the extra! I ordered my favorite, white chocolate mocha, extra hot. I ONLY get it very seldom; I try not to use up my needs for wants.

Returning to the comfort of my vehicle with the soundtrack from
The Red Violin playing, I reached for my first sip. Mmmmmmmmm..............smooth........sweet...........comforting.......reassuring; liquid grace. I reflected on the goodnesses that had accompanied my life up til now; not because I deserved them, but because He is generous.
I drove past the homeless people — remembering that I was no better and could have just as easily been or be one; past the police — glad they exist, but no need to be stopped by them and along the trash-blown road past the mission — glad it helps some folks, more glad I have a home to go to when this day is done.

Then I thought about the thought, "not using up my needs for wants" or was it better stated "not using up my wants for needs." What if I won the lottery, would I do what I say I would do with it if I actually won it? What if I woke up as Jesus, would I resent everybody wanting something from me, but not asking if there was something they could do for me or even a simple thank you? Would I hate being followed, watched and begged every waking moment? I know for me, I don't mind helping people—but I resent the same people who constantly take, take and take as though I owe them or they just believe I am their
I think most people want to help others; sometimes the reality of all their needs and how helpless we are in the face of so much or little — burns our tongues and we turn away....
Nice post---Nicely stated and I am kind missing a Starbucks right about now...
You are the master of taking your time with yourself
A perfected talent
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