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It is in the early hours of the morning that most treasures begin to gleam; somewhere between the last dark and the first light. Elaine Brown once said (and maybe a few other times too) "Even the smallest fragment of glass can reflect the sun..." I think on these kinds of phrases when I slow myself down and get ahead of schedule. I think of all the little things that may have come to mind in the shower or during the daily grind that seemed like really good ideas and went straight to the "I meant to do that" list; only later to be file 13ed when overrun with undone doos. You know what I mean. This morning I was almost challenged again inside. I thought I saw a man throw something at a homeless woman sitting on the sidewalk in the corner well out of anyone's way. I felt a quick rage build and stopped in my tracks to observe to be sure. False alarm; I think. Nothing transpired after I stopped to look but my mind kept wondering why would I care and why would I make it any of my business.... I didnt have any immediate answers, just more questions. Didn't she have the right to be treated with some respect? Didnt he know better to pick on the less fortunate or even women? What might she have done or said to have deserved his response? Why would a jack@ss have more than what appeared to be a kind person in distress? Doesn't just being human demand mercy?
A lot of times, most things dont seem fair. I suppose God has a pretty tough job; I probably wouldnt want any of that responsibility. I remember a country song, "Thank God for Unanswered Prayers," I can certainly think of sincere prayers that really would have been a disaster had they been answered. I have also had some prayers that I never understood why they weren't answered; I am sure I held my tongue right and read two chapters in the Good Book without blinking. Truth is, we are not God and we dont get to know or find out; and our inconvience doesnt even make him flinch. Afterall, He's not Burger King or Dominos; its not my way nor do I get it in 30 minutes. Anyway its another beautiful WARM day in downtown Nashville and I am working away as the sunbeams warm crawl through the cracks in my grey asylum.
1 comment:
Can you imagine 6 billion prayers floating up to your ears? Yeah, that's not a responsibility I would want, either.
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