A Life's Pursuit: Subtly New Again

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Subtly New Again

Home Improvement

It's funny how the slightest changes can have monumental effects. Obviously I am preoccupied with home-selling; but the real-life correlations are impossible to miss. New paint here, new floor there, tighten this, losen that, get rid of those. I think my wife said it best; so I will just repeat it:

"We are going for curb appeal.
Putting on our best show as we get ready to sell.
It is funny how close selling a house is to courting.
Flowers are blush, lip gloss and eye shadow
Mulch is eyeliner, mascara, lip liner.
Pruning your shrubs and trees is like getting a great hair cut
Keeping your grass even is like putting on foundation.
Clean windows and doors, like putting in eye drops and brushing your teeth.
And then come the blind dates.
People who your real estate "dating broker" matches you up with.

Needless-to-say, things are getting hot and heavy. She is almost ready for her blind dates. I am hoping for short engagement and swiftly marrying it off. It's been good and I am sure that I will miss the ole girl and all the hard work invested. But life goes on. My neighbor and I chatted yesterday as we rode bicycles around the block in the warm beautiful day. He wanted to know what was going on? I told him that new floors were being installed. So I noted how much weight he had lost so quickly; to which he responded that he had quit drinking...not that I am saying you shouldn't but you can't live on it - you can die though. He apparantly had not been drinking very much water. Again, a slight change has had huge effects. He also helped his daughter move out into her very first apartment. We agreed it was good. We agreed it was bad. We agreed that both were necessary. When life happens; so does change. How we embrace that change can fill us with love or alarm; that's the power of our choice. Since nothing is guaranteed; in case of the xfactor; we are making everything like we would like it...no short cuts or el cheepy corner cutting. If I didn't love the destination so much, I would be ready to stay.

new home

Our new future...."if the Lord be willin' and the creek don't rise..."

bicycle lizard

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