Sqak Shook, Squaaaak Shook as the Mulch Monster died one shovel before the last.
Well, let me tell you; it was another spectacularly sunny warm weekend down in the 'boro. I had a fantastic weekend. Our day started at 7am Saturday morning and ended at sundown. That intense day of outsideness included mowing the lawn, weeding, 7 yrds of mulching, stipping and painting the mailbox, planting MORE flowers, and applying turf builder. WHEW! Glad its Monday! The bad news; that was only half of the yard work.
Traffic was great and this day is moving along. I cannot help but think about our flowers. There's just something exciting about "life" and watching it happen and how it works in synchronicity. With the flowers come butterflies, hummingbirds and various other little critters that we don't normally see or notice. The air wafts by with a sweet perfume. The honeysuckle permiates the air in the backyard. We have two squirril-proof bird feeders on the back deck...only one is really squirril proof — they're pretty sneaky little brainiacs! Great bird watching weekend. I saw bluejays, goldfinches, english sparrows, wood thrushes, cardinals, chickadees, starlins and a tufted titmouse. (in case you had any doubts of my nerdness....)
The House looks FANTASTIC---
Can you guys come help me with mine--?
Thanks for sharing the fruits of your labor. Everything looks absolutely beautiful :)
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