I slept better last night than the night before...strange crazy dreams. Besides my sweetie has been out of town for the week or at least til tomorrow nite. You get really used to another warm body in the bed on so many levels. Needless to say, she is missed. Anyway, I was awakened at 4am by Christina Aguilera singing when I realized that I had not set the timer for the TV. Perhaps, subconsciencely, it was just company or noise to prevent the silence. It's been really hard to get out of bed on cool empty mornings...but somehow I managed.
Fast forward.... The drive in was good. It was really good that I had left on my target minute for a change. Much to my dismay, the traffic was the same and I wondered if I should have left sooner. I was listening to the soundtrack from Red Violin (an amazing collection of music) when I noticed the beautiful rainbow in the sky just over the hill ahead. Wow! Not only was it a reminder of God's promise to humanity and the earth; but just the sheer wonder of it all.
I couldnt help but be amazed by rainbows. They are something but they are also nothing. You can drive right through it with no effects...but is that true? Are there effects? For the vision of the many colors; is there an equal vision of a magnitude that we are not seeing? Is there something there in addition to the rainbow? Yeah, I know the atmospheric conditions necessary for one to appear; but is there more to it than that? If we saw in a different color of the light spectrum, what would appear that we missed before?
I pondered these things as I drove along amist the many tail lights and angry motorists. I exchanged smiles with a hispanic driver beside me. Then I wondered, "do I know enough people who are a different color than I?" Did I really "know" anyone spanish or mexican? Had I really sat down and conversated on a level deeper than going to the mexican restaurant? Hmmm.... the world appears different to every set of eyes. I don't have a good friend who happens to be mexican now that I think about it. I say it that way because in my little world, you are a friend first and your race/ethnicity was never your choice---so why should I hold it against you. We all know there are good and bad of every color; nobody's got the market cornered on any of several dividing topics. I think I will spend this day wondering about the color of my vision. What do I see, what do I notice, what do I avoid and why? I will endeavor to sneak outside my comfort zone.
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