Even before life, man is appointed to die. It is the natural order of things. It is also very typical to realize the value of a person AFTER they are gone. If....WHEN, I slip from these shores, I would hope to have received my flowers while the bee yet adored them, while the air yet carried their smell in the gentle breeze. Some deaths I can take pleasue in; I know they are in a better place. It's encouraging when someone of significant impact moves on to their reward. Yes, we will weep together, yes we will miss them, yes our hearts grieve, yes the absence screams aloud—but in the darkness, the brightest light shines brighter. As the sheets of sadness are pulled from our eyes, we will raise our eyes skyward, smiling into the light of the Glorious Afternow when we will know everything before and after us and be unable to extinguish the truth of how glorious is the next room that awaits. Farewell and safe passage. You will always remain in our hearts and memories. One door closes; another room opens. That is the natural order of things.
Always Good Mikey---
This one was excellent--
Your talent to define the energies that transpire between light and darkness is a gift
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