Superman Returns!!! Where has he been? Why did he leave? Why did he come back? Why hasn't anybody figured out he's Clark Kent? Was it really worth making another Superman movie?
Hopefully out of respect, Hollywood has waited this long to make another Superman movie...not that the last couple were so great. Like most heroes in the DC universe; Superman gets "super"ed to death. By that I mean Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, Superdog, Super Batman, Batgirl, Batwoman, Bat Shark Repellent etc. Without a doubt, I gravitated toward the Marvel universe; where the words were bigger than my vocabulary and the heroes were more than just an identity behind a mask.
I won't spoil the movie for anyone who has not seen it yet. I MUST say it is the best of films as of late. X-MEN III does not even hold a worthy Marvel-candle to it. As good as Batman Begins; it takes on super human strength from its legacy in Christopher Reeves which it gives noteable homage to and then builds to an inordinate creshendo between good and evil as the good in humanity preserves the super in his legend. The relationships appear realistic and as complicated as real life might be if one had been gone for 5 yrs...people move on; they face the struggle between the memory of what was vs the value of what is—extremely human. Thank God all men and/or women don't trade up! They stick to their guns til the last blazing bullet departs; til the smoke only comforts a cold barrel that has long forgotten the vibrant charge of hot bullets.
Superman's flight was astounding in this movie. I was amazed at his ability to fly so easily and even gently...his tender strength. He had a depth of caring that was soul-touching. I even for a moment thought I was watching the Passion of the Christ....I leave it to you to figue out which part of the movie that happens. Apparently, we secretly cannot get enough of the ultimate hero and ressurection story being retold down through the generations in new and inventive ways.
Suffice to say...the movie is excellent! It gets my pinto beans and cornbread vote for a well developed story, great flashbacks, extremely humanistic psychology and real life drama with a cape. It is also worth saying that the movie is NOT junked up with fowl language or sex scenes. Safe for the whole family; although very young may not have the required attention's kinda long. I also hear its in 3-D at the IMAX....I may actually pay all that money to go see it again with those cool glasses on!
Hmmm....pinto beans and cornbread vote! Can I get sweet potatoes and corn with that?
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