Remember the fallen who stood for your freedoms; and the standing yet to fall.
Well here comes the weekend and at long last; I am ready for its arrival. It has been a long week of challenges and breaks. Everything ends and everything has a beginning. That's really good news. A
co-worker, often penned as "Prelate of Pensive" or "Son of Rodin" and I had time to chat and observe the stain of humanity in it's many versions. As you might imagine, it was more than interesting. Let it also be said, we are FULLY aware that we are humans too. He is quite the pensive; absolutely the articulate.
Chemical Signatures: We talked about the logic behind the body creating a "chemical signature" for or under extreme circumstances whether good or bad, pleasure or pain. This, we theorize, is the fuel of addictions and compulsions. Ever notice at ball games; people want the anthem singing to be over so they can get to the good part...to the thrill and excitement of the game....to the acceleration of their heartbeats and bellows of their lungs. Are we all just biological porches? Designed to go really fast; but in a country of 30 mile per hour rules. Does the Need for the speed outway and dwarf the PRICE of the gasoline? [...translated as, the thrill of the addiction is blinding to the need for the restraint...] Everything we "like" clearly is not necessarily "good" for us.

Best sung by
Hank Williams Jr.; "...get drunk and screw...". Hmm....if it was good; wouldn't you want to remember. If it wasn't; wouldn't you rather have stopped or been stopped instead of your friends taking pictures. It's clear that most of the time, we know the consequences; but the need for "that feeling" or need to get back to that "chemical signature" is just too overwhelming.

I have watched
Dateline focus on child predators. Isn't it
amazingly pathetic that many trusted members of society have been caught in these underage sex stings. Clergy, programmers, military men, family men, fathers, church goers....seems that NOBODY is immune. The "Ruler of the Air" is everywhere. I wonder if his name is "Media..."

When the fireworks are over; will we remember why or just who got the drunkest or oh, the pretty colors. We easily cut to the good parts. Wouldn't it be terrifying if the new movie with Adam Sandler, "
Click" really happened...if there was really a remote to time, space and the universe. What would we lose because we didn't want to spend the time to aquire it? Can you aquire "it" without doing the time?
Hmmmm.......yeah; chemical signatures sign blank checks linked to bank accounts of consequence.
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