A Life's Pursuit: Friday Flickerings and Fridaku Fascinations

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Flickerings and Fridaku Fascinations

© ScienceDaily

What a great week of exploration emotionally and professionally. The weather has been fantastic and very agreeable to getting outside and trapesing around. The hint of Spring looms dauntingly just above our bulging to-do-lists and a long-courted love affair with Home Depot, Lowes and HGTV. The renewal of Spring brings many opportunities for collective enrichment and family gatherings. What a great time of the year.

Despite being slammed at work; I have managed to learn some new InDesign and Photoshop tricks! Its obvious to me that I am happiest exploring and learning new things. Luckily I have an environment that allows such freedoms and liberties. Despite self-inflicted prisons, the freedoms just beyond my reach or cadence are beautiful to marvel. Its ok if I dont get there today and far better that I remember to never completely yield to the idea that never is also possible. Armed with hot coffee, great chocolate snacks and wide-eyed defiance, I embrace the coming of the weekend.

As one ages, it is always noted of the things that were that arent now. St. Patty's Day marks the passing of a well-missed friend and fan, Alfred; my wife's father. Such times are awkward — do you point out the elephant in the room or just ignore him, hoping he walks quitely beyond? Nonetheless, I treasure memories. It lies there in the pages of memories of past moments where infinity is bookmarked if only for a finite moment as the generations trod onward into future chapters. We sat out back once in the setting sun as I remarked about the shadows cast by the dying day. He responded with a chuckle and noted that the reason we are all different is that there are too many things for one person to see or think about. In a society obsessed with youth; will we sacrifice the wisdom of age in the process? Will we discard the elderly for our vain ambitions? or discount them like some last year's Christmas toy left to hope for purchase at some Fred's or Dollar General or yardsale as someone else's problem?

A great weekend lies ahead. If we lift our eyes and our hearts, we will encounter someone needing our smiles and encouragements just centered in our paths. Hopefully we will neither be too busy or self absorbed to pass along such a glittering treasure. The cohort, Andy has been faithfully banging out his photoblogs and haikus much to my pleasure. It really is the people around us that hold us up from sinking in the mire of self/vanity. Sharing laughter and never taking ouselves too seriously might just be a saving grace.

©Andrew Stanfield

Wooden Guardsmen

Sentinal looming,
Tall, old and mighty—guarding;
Fallen soldiers' rest.


Orange Warm Hunger

Orange, warm glowing,
Making bronze damp skin glisten;
Hungry for more flesh.

1 comment:

Andrew Stanfield said...

Nothing better than the freedom to explore, and wide-eyed defiance!