A Life's Pursuit: Tomato Sauce Fridakus

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tomato Sauce Fridakus

It's a sweltering Friday and Automatic Andy has fired out another haiku masterpiece. What mad genius he doest pursue. He has consented to join our revolution of tomato erotica. What could be healthier than a little fruit and vegetables at meal time. Somehow its all so wrong and yet that's part of the reason you cant stop reading. Tomato Erotica; I think its an all new genre of haiku. I wish I had thought of that.

Twack, twack, twack, twack, twack
Four body shots, one forehead;
Flinging tomatoes!

Fat, red tomato.
Tight, shiny skin, thick green stem.
Mouth-watering snack.

Rubenessque green slug,
Run your horn deep into red.
Tomato tunnels.

Horny, green wiggly
tomato plant destroyer
pop and squish, one less.

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