A Life's Pursuit: The Visible Invisible: Big Bang!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Visible Invisible: Big Bang!

altered states

Its kinda funny if it werent so painful; but sometimes its hard to see what you are in while youre in it. Obvious truth is invisible if youre neck-deep in illusion. Its a unique time in history with this historic election, super collider being switched on, nose-diving real estate market and a whole host of other drastic changes brewing in our modern times. A hottub on the roof in winter is great until you step out of the water....I think you catch my chill.

Everybody's got their own beliefs and I would be the first to say you are welcome to your own. I certainly wont hesitate to claim my own, as well as just say I dont know. Seems like everything in America is for sale. In fact, someday, the air will be for sale. (I know but that chuckle will stop soon if you consider that the same might have been said about water and/or bottled water).

Meanwhile this blog was headed toward things that we dont see and are practically invisible to our perceptions. Take clear water; once frozen we can see it take form. Snowflakes are a great example, as well as hail. The key is that a change of state is required. Luckily "things" dont have feelings because change REQUIRES some intense effect be it cold or hot to generate that evolution to a different state. The question will be what will it take for man? How will civilization evolve as science changes our perceptions of the world around us? Can our perceptions and science change those beliefs we hold dear?

Change is inevitable. How do we cope with change is what sets us up for success or failure. These are the days to not sit idlely by and do nothing. We must take action and focus, if not refocus on clear goals if not for our own sake, for that of our future generations. The focus of time and history are at steak. Will we be sucked into the wormhole of senseless madness and despiration? Will we eplode into an arena where man is at the bottom of the food chain again? If reason is our only hope, will we find ourselves at the bottom of the hole with no visible solution or one far less hopeful?

science thoughts

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