I heard a great quote that really sparked some intense thinking.
Truth is simple;
if it was complicated,
everybody would understand it.
--Walt Whitman
It struck me on several levels. Religiously Judeau Chrisitan beliefs would agree with this saying. Christ states many times that His yoke was "easy" and that His ways are simple. What could be more difficult to do? Just believe? Faith in invisible stuff? Act as though it were? Not excluding and other additionals; the "magic" of it all would seem so simple that we are powerless to explain or comprehend such mysteries. Christ admonishes us to come as the little children. Who but children would have the audacity to be so simple. They believe anything at any time. They arent clouded by any lessons life has beaten into them or a thousand people have told them was impossible. Its no wonder that children are the first to be aware of the unseen. Children and animals are so empty of junk and rules that the impossible still has plenty of space to happen. Reality has no limits. Sometimes I think we are all unlimited; but our perception makes us much less....
Scientificly when you consider the human and its mind and its untapped
capacities, you have to wonder what you dont know. Are we only on the
first page of a forty page manual? How much and how terribly terrific are the things we have not the slightest clue? Of course, I'm a sucker for shows like the X-Files and Fringe that focus on the extraordinary; things so fantastic or terrible, they couldnt possibly be true; but what if they are? Then you through in the supercollider and wormholes and time travel and quantum physics and the lines of real and sci-fi begin to blur. Several years ago a cellphone or microwave would have been science fiction to someone. Of course, there are a few people left who dont believe we've been to the moon.
How do we unwrap our minds of life's curses and dissatisfactions? There are those making millions of dollars on self help programs, TV talkshows, a set of tapes, a set of books and any number of conveluted lengthy slickly marketed gems. Most of it can all be boiled down to something very simple; but you wouldnt pay half your earnings for a truth that simple...besides you already knew that. We would rather have some "other" authority's idea of perfection and perfect life than our own. Perhaps children have the best advice of us all. More ironic, its what we fed them because we supposedly believed it or are at least very comfortable deluding them with it very early in life. Perhaps all our solutions were the ones we left, discarded or forgot back in first grade while playing with all the other kids....little SIMPLE things....
The gift of the spellbinder is to unravel the simple from the casings and shadows of our memories.
The truth is, we know the truth. Liking truth, in fact loving truth and operating in it, that it a gem not often shined.
Unfulfilled potential, the saddest words of tongue or pen. The thing is, if we could tap in to the full power of our brain, would we embrace what it brought us or run from it?
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