A Life's Pursuit: The Meat of Lunch

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Meat of Lunch

dilbert lunch

It isnt about what you eat; its about leaving to eat — heavy on the leaving...

You know, as a nerd, life can be pretty fun and extra funny. Yeh, I know, not everyone has to be born on a keyboard; but ignorance is hardware issue. I love lunch time. Its a moment that is not valued enuf. By that I mean I am an advocate of physically leaving the building and typically going places you wouldnt normally go, meeting people you would otherwise never have seen; take a walk, go away. Its great for the mind and it allows the backside or "cache" of your mind to unravel the day's riddles. Dilbert has some great moments of enlightenment; hence, I defer to his greatness.

As geek, one grows to expect a great number of seemingly "no brainer" questions and situations. In reality, we get just that ... no brainers. But I do know this, anyone presented with an issue if willing to walk away and detox from the stress miraculously comes up with some very cool ideas and solutions; at the very least, a different, more comfortable perspective. Lunch was good. The wind blew across my skin. The air was just the right temperature and for an hour, four previous hours had vanished. With another great workout night ahead, the approaching four hours will equally disentegrate to greater efforts.

By the way, I ran accross another great podcast for all you iPODers who are labor-intensive and need some heavy concentration powers without the headache; I STRONGLY reccommend this one. Binaural Beats!
Binaural Beats is a weekly ambient & experimental music radio program airing live at 8PM EST each Friday evening on 89.7 WITR in Rochester, NY. You can listen live online with any MP3 compatible streaming player. Its excellent because most of it is wordless; just sounds, noises and oddities that keep your mind free to take on whatever daunting task might lay before it. Creatives understand "geekspeak" for "mind lubricant." Ahhh...I see you understand. Otherwise: leave the office now.


...know when you need a break
and/or when you are about to break.
You may only have a moments notice;
but evacuate the location.
You'll be glad you did
and so would every one else
if they knew...

5 simple destress steps.


Linda Russell said...

so - this blog begs the question
what are the differences in definitions of creatives, nerds and geeks

Andrew Stanfield said...

Gotta get away sometimes. Strange fact of life but true one nonetheless. We need different.

PicoChocolate said...

creatives: typically musicans, artists, odd, introverted, extroverted, unique, psychologically jittering, seldom jock

nerds: book smart, underdeveloped physically and psychologically typically, odd display for linear and logical patterns, non jock

geeks: tech smart, underdeveloped physically and psychologically typically, odd display for linear and logical patterns, non jock

Linda Russell said...

Ummm- ok these are good definitions for each type.
You may also add that these three types always differ on the best Star Trek episode and whether the new Star Trek was as good as the old Star Trek.
other areas they differ on are whether Battlestar Galactica, X-Files and Hereos are on the same level as Star Wars.