A Life's Pursuit: Unsafe Waters!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Unsafe Waters!

The brutality of nature is quite stunning. I love the Nature and Discovery channels. As a kid, I was always fascinated by sharks and how their sleek beauty could instantly transform into savage power. They seem to amble along in the water with grace and a nonchallant demeanor looking from side to side with not a care in the world. It reminds me of the scene in Jaws where the girl is screaming for God to help her at the top of her lungs just before she dies... (hmmm...there's a blog or two lurking just below the politcally correct surface).

The beauty of the shark is OUR gullability; it's not the shark. The shark isnt wearing a sign that says I dont bite or I dont want to hurt you. We ASSUME that something beautiful isnt deadly. Typically its quite the opposite. I am constantly laughing at people who claim the devil made them do it as they make ugly faces and motion horn-fingers over their heads. I dont believe for one minute that the Devil is ugly...oh no! The Devil is definitely got it going on; male or female, he/she is the hotest, coolest ham on the block with flash, cash and casualties to boot! Everybody runs from the monster that looks like a beast; nobody runs from a teddy bear with a halo. I long miss the Crockadile Hunter. I loved him and his work. He exuded a passion I or any sane person might envy. But if you were being honest, occassionally the darker side of us is rooting for a spectacle; nobody has to get hurt but we have to be entertained. Doctor Doolittle with Eddie Murphy played on that idea. We like to see the confident reduced to us because "we" know better; how dare someone attempt anything we know better than to do. Isnt the "real?" Honestly?

Why do I say all this.... My beautiful wifey is a pool shark. Beware of the protests to the contrary. Looks that fool are looks that kill. She would rather me not say; but for your own sake, stay out of the water.


Bendy said...

Uh huh...she's a wii golf shark too!!

Linda Russell said...

You are just trying to flatter me up before the kill.

You my dear are the shark to my guppy.

Bendy- you hold your own as well in pool and wii~