We drink of life in sips and gulps hoping its ingestion might enrich and empower our deaths... --maximusdoom 2008
The long week is almost over. It's been a time of graphic battle between the idea and the reality. There's an ole saying, "beggars cant be choosey;" but they ALWAYS are. I guess they are focused on getting all they can while the getting's good. I suppose I understand that sorta; but not really. Its one of those situations that I could easily fall on either side. Our office banter occassionally envolves winning the lottery. Everybody typically some small amount they will be happy with. Me too; but typically I respond with an "I dont want to limit my blessing; I'll take it all please." Yeah, doesnt that sound horrible...but its still true. I aint afraid to say its true. If its coming my way; submerge me!
The other side of that is generosity. I would love to travel to small, inconsequential places like just a normal average joe, get to know people and anonymously fix real problems that money can solve and move on to the next town, just drifting around the country with a mission of invisible help. I do believe in charities. Unfortunately, some big organizations have too much red tape to actually get the help to the invisibles who need it right now. People cannot be defined as a group over there; their situations are diversely personal, private and immediate. With access to large sums of cash, things are available to be influenced. Not much can happen without it; yet Christ might disagree or at least sometimes. Perhaps more accurately spoken, He would prefer us to steward it, not be posessed by it through lust and worship. I didnt watch Oprah's Big Give in spite of liking the concept. There can be no arguement that the queeen of daytime is someone rich and wealthy really using it to help others along the way. I remember when she was under fire and being pressed to switch to more demeaning programming; her refusal and continued focus on the positive might have been a deathnail for some; but she survived and far better than that.

Do we resemble the world around us? Is our face hidden in plain view of our habits/actions?"
So if there is something you want; why dont you have it? Are you ready to receive it? If you dont know what you would do with it before you get it; how would you know after you get it? I have heard that said many times. I dont know if I agree; but I can say that it certainly helps to be in the right mindset to effect the universe to move on your behalf. We seriously UNDER ESTIMATE the power of the spoken word. I hear agruments about the horrible that the Bible has done; I am still focused on how something that old still has the power to irritate so many hearts and minds. Do we get irritated by "nothing;" no, we are bothered by things we cannot change or control or reason an explanation for what we encounter. We hate to see young children or old people in pain — it smarts our sensibilities. No I dont know either why some things happen and may never know; but I do know that most of them are things you or I can do nothing about, rich or poor. Todays ramblings are just that; but ramblings that make some point to somebody.... Its a beautiful hot day in Nashville. I stare at the invisible people and wonder why they are there and why I cannot fix them. Perhaps thats why we try to look away time and time again.....
I agree! Wouldn't it be totally awesome to travel around performing random acts of kindness? I often dream of winning the lottery and doing the same. I knew it...we're twins separated by birth (and a few years)
This is the year!
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