I had an excellent fantastic weekend. It was jam-packed with all the best parts of life. PLUS; it was an extra day longer than a regular weekend. ...and yet, one more day wouldn't have been contested. Friday afternoon began with rendevousing with my wifey at home and heading to our favorite mexican restaurant, Las Palmas. I hesitate to mention it for my own selfish reasons of keeping it a best kept secret so the lines aren't so long. Great food and good friends. Speaking of which, our usual suspects in crime are out of commission due to illness. Hopefully everyone is up to par soon. Best wishes. Nonetheless, we opted to skip shooting pool since it was kinda late and the later you go, the more chance of encountering "second hand smoke." We went to Hollywood Video instead and rented movies, got groceries and headed home.
We had a great cookout on Labor Day! We had loads of hamburgers, hotdogs, bratworsts, and cheese wiennies! That obviously was the meat. Then there was potato salad, baked beans, tomatoes, cheese, pickles, cheesecake, and some other veggies. My sister Michelle, real estate queen and adopted sister, Roshunda, AKA Tiny came over as well as my neighbors. We ate, laughed and wii-ed all afternoon. It was a geat time. It now dawns on me that we have not a single picture...but it will be a long time before any of it can be forgotten. Needless-to-say, it was all big fun!
My Kung Fu is strongggg
1 comment:
When did you snap that pic of me working out? Okay...cracked myself up. You know, back in the day when I babysat, we used coloring books. I'm thinkin' someone was lookin' for an excuse for a WII ;)
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