Even when I was a kid, I loved driving. Sometimes you just want to get in your car and drive. Drive down roads you never take, go directions you havent been, just strike out
Driving I-24 is a wreck-lovers paradise. 10 miles in any direction is certain to please. I realize how sadistic this may sound but keep in mind, I am glad its them and not me...no really! But everybody gets their turn at the wheel of pain and I'm ok with that. I was on 840 when I saw a angry wildfire devouring the side of the interstate. Fascinating: the fire looked like rushing water charging up the sides of the trees. Wrecks now days always result with someone pacing around on a cell phone. Remember when nothing happened until the police showed up. Now you can practically settle the claim before the lights ever go blue.
What is this? Who uses it for what and how?
I have seen and photographed many wrecks. Occassionally I encounter something so ODD that I have to get a shot of that too...something I have no idea what I am looking at. I saw this car towing it presumably headed to New York, or at least that was the liscence plate. It was another I-24 east event. I still dont know what it is or what it might be used for. I am sure you can think of some really good captions. However; if you DO know what this is, please share!
Strange habits for normal people. Cameras are everywhere now; especially where you never even considered. Technology is booming and being "tiny" matters. Meanwhile, watch out for strange people driving on a cell phone, taking pictures, doing anything else while listening to the radio.
It's a thingamabob that's used for whatchamacallit while headed over yonder.
side note: yeah yeah yeah I know I haven't blogged in awhile. I'll get on it!
And here I was thinking it was a Bendy Mobile...
Given the curves and cutting edge artistic flair, what else could it be?
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