It's Wednesday; the one they call "hump day." For me, it's that point that says "half way over." You can't get there without going past here. I suppose that's true of a lot of things about life. We always want to fast-forward to the part we anticipate to be more exciting or relaxing. Typically, if it is actually either of those, it goes way faster than the other long days before and you're back at jump.
All that aside or at least in stride; back to the title. I love watching the X-sports — yeah, the ones with the motorcycles doing 360's over eighty feet above the ground. Even as a kid, we would set up ramps consisting of a plank, a block and something in the way. There's something about barreling toward a ramp knowing how great its gonna be if everything goes well. We love to defy gravity. That's why we love Superman, Evil Knievel, drifting and "hey bubba watch this." I cant image what it feels like to ride a bull. I watch PB Riding too....eight seconds can be a lot longer than u think.
We seem to hate change the older we become. I am trying to train myself to pedal faster toward the new ramps. I know that will increase my hangtime in an attempt be more "unsame" evenmoreso.
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