A Life's Pursuit: SMILE! It's Only Raining Outside...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

SMILE! It's Only Raining Outside...

For all the sun of yesterday; the dreary rain of today exacts its punishment. Really, I don't mind the rain; but I LOVE a thunderstorm; today it's just rain. I made a remark to a friend that sparked this blog, "It's Only Raining Outside..." I am not sure where it's going to go; but I guess we will find out together. It was a 2am night for me; so the morning stormed into my conscienceness violently. Thank God my honey called; I was at the Sleep Hotel and no doorman was going to ring my bell for at least 4 more hours that I couldn't have. So, you make that mad scramble to get on top of things and get out the door; but you know that the rain changes everything....potientially late to definitely late.

Nonetheless, it's another great day! I think I like that line because "its only raining outside" reminds me of some things that I have known for so long that you take them for granted....u know what I mean...sugar is sweet, ice is cold, coffee is HOT kind of stuff. I am reminded of the great Apostle Paul who declared he had found the secret of happiness in Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)
(11) I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. (12) I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (13) I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

There's always gonna be a rotten apple in the pie. It's hard work not to let that bite ruin the meal. Remembering and refreshing in empowering phrases and realities transforms my circumstances. My friends are all sick of my "Glow-in-the-Dark" Smiley Face shirts; maybe rightly so since I have at least 14; one for every day of the week. If you don't see it, its under something else or I am saving it for gym time. You can never under estimate the power of a smile, even in the dark. A guy at the gym stopped me once and asked where my smiley face was. Even jocks are lured by its peaceful disposition. His response was completely unexpected. He went on to say, "you don't realize that maybe somebody just walking around in here feels better just because they see that crazy shirt." He convinced me...even if its just me catching my own reflection, "it's only raining outside..." Everyday people are subconsciously effected by what they see, hear, feel or smell. It's such a duh statement that its easy to take for granted. Life is short; at least make somebody else's better. I would say its free; but it isn't. (1) People think you cannot afford another shirt (2) Sometimes you get pulled or pushed out of your comfort zone (3) You may even have to NOT think about yourself or your needs (4) and lastly, as I say many times a week, what's feelings got to do with gravity; you just do it because it needs to be done.

Good friends always serve up something funny or insightful. Keep them close. If they aren't, get some new ones. Who you hang out with is who you become. If you don't believe me, stand beside somebody who starts itching.....soon you will be reaching too. Anyway, it's Wednesday, the day in the middle. I am glad to be the oldest child, the middle is too far from either shore. [ha ha ah....I dont know where that came from, so I can't send it back.] Don't let life's rain leave you soaked unless you're in the swimming pool. There's ALWAYS something good you just haven't seen yet and even more just around the corner. [I know, if you were standing close enuf, you would hit me.] I need more gummy bears!

Happy Man

1 comment:

Andrew Stanfield said...

Great blog, Mr. Russell. It's incredible how something as simple and as natural as raindrops can be a fantastic trigger for introspection.