A Life's Pursuit: PowerBall: One of the best kept secrets!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

PowerBall: One of the best kept secrets!

powerball wrist strengthener

Being the geek that I am, I have my share of gadgets. This is one of my favorites, the powerball! Though I could go into detail about how fantastic it is; I will just send you to the site and you can read for yourself. But first; just this little bit of benefit:
Rehabilitation Benefits:
NSD Powerball is capable of hitting your shoulders arms and wrists with an extreme workout which is guaranteed to add significant strength and power to the limbs.
As a contrary to this however, its smooth, silky movement is also capable of generating the type of low level, non impact resistance necessary for gentle rehabilitation of damaged or inflamed wrists allowing it to be supplied with numerous endorsements from both the Medical & Chiropractic professions as a result.

On to the Powerballs! From my own experience, I can tell you that it works and it's alot of fun too!


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