A Life's Pursuit: Wisdom of the Generations; Perspective from the Rear

Friday, February 16, 2007

Wisdom of the Generations; Perspective from the Rear

Al Keil

It's always been true that I have gotten along with those older than myself as opposed to those of the same or younger age. Time has not changed that. I had the pleasure of visiting with my father-in-law this past week. It was much cooler here than Las Vegas.

We had a great visit. My wife and I were greatly pleased and thrilled that he would spend a week with us here in snowy TN. Our kids had a great time talking with Grandpa too. I typically get to see my Dad at least monthly; so I know my sweetie enjoyed having the opportunity to spend so much time with him. I think the last time he was actually here was proabably 5 yrs ago. Due to his health, it's easier for us to hop a plane or drive to him. In spite of it all, we had great food, stories, fun, laughter, pound cake and Early Times.

I am convinced that we all have something to contribute and there is a great deal to be learned from those who have experienced the past. We listened to yarn after yarn as the kids sat with their girlfriends were mesmerized by the delightful tales of Alfred. The journeys one makes in a lifetime are typically beyond what the journeyer ever imagined; the same is probably true in this case. As his darkest son-in-law; we oddly have a remarkable number of things in common. We each love history, philosophy, poetry and classical music among other things. That always makes for a humorous and splendid conversation or two or three or more. In the immortal words of my own father; well there are at least three of his sayings we kids still repeat as adults: 1) Oil and water are the life of a motor, 2) Just because the light is green; doesn't mean go, and 3) Boy, for children and wife, I've done a lot of things I said I would never do. Al has that same down to earth spark about him; that craving for the practical/functional piece of information that Joe Blow can use immediately. People understand that and "real folks" [ that's a TN term for family-centered, down home types"] just get being down to earth and comfortable with who they are regardless of who or what everybody else does.

I remember my great grandpa; he was my Paul Bunyan! He could spin a tale bigger and wider than the Mississippi River. In fact, rumor has it that he once through a baseball over the Tennessee River. Anyway, what future will our children have if they miss out on the living past? The "grand-generation" has a vast wealth of truths and funnies to be shared. Yes, somethings have changed and maybe what used to be isn't anymore; but love and truth will always prevail. Whether we decide to get on the bus or under it's wheels, the truth marches on, people are people and everybody dies and answers to one God. Don't go along; get along.

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