History has immortalized those who would so profoundly die for the betterment of the rest of us. I cannot say that I would relish such a position in history. Immortality has its costs. The level of sacrifice and love required are beyond my understanding as it partains to those who have no direct blood relation. Perhaps it is feeling such a connection that all men are considered one's blood relatives.
As humans, we are well endowed toward self preservation. In most cases, there are few reasons or lows we would not stoop to in order to protect or save number uno. Yes, parents probably come as close as anyone in modern times; but even that front is being eroded by generations of those who want theirs now; let them get theirs then.
I am glad that such giving people exist and even more thankful for their sacrifices and how they have impacted me. Those who do these things give us all something to aspire to; if not to be inspired by. The legacy of such lives tend to have life of their own. Often, it is the family of such individuals that bear the brunt of such exception or extraordinary courage. This week, we celebrate the path of a king. This king passes, as will many others; but one king comes who shall not go and have no end. What is to be said or done about such rulers? Does forever have a time limit; afterall it is a quantity of time?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
It is said that the evil that men do lives on; but the good is oft interred with their bones. Only half true...legacy is a two sided coin; either side spends. Good CAN live on too! Is it ironic that some of us are far more appreciated dead than alive? Death holds men; rarely ideals.
You preach so well
A gift indeed
Geat Man---Tremendous Leader
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