A Life's Pursuit: "...and I approve this message!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"...and I approve this message!

Well today marks the end of the elections. FANTASTIC!!!! Hopefully you got what you voted for and if not, there's always next time. I personally am not sure there was much of a difference in any of them; but that's neither here nor there. MY Number ONE ounce of gratitude right now is the END of those horrible negative ads all summed up by someone saying "I am so-n-so and I approve this message" which already indicates probable cause NOT to vote for that individual. (so-n-so is my southern vernacular for "add your name here") Hmmm....A friend of mine, David Waters, from down in Memphis, TN wrote an article that is worth reading. I will include some of it here for your reading pleasure. Anyway, he makes my point better than I and here it goes....

Let Politicians Know The Feeling Is Mutual
I'm going to miss this congressional election. The dignity with which candidates conducted themselves, especially when referring to their opponents. The restraint candidates showed in refusing to drag their opponents' families and their own families into the fray. The discipline candidates displayed by rejecting the temptation to use religion, race, class or gender to divide us. The frugal spending habits exhibited by each campaign (no wonder we elect people who are so good at balancing budgets). The way the candidates ignored the pleas of high-paid consultants to go negative, insisting that this election be contested with high-minded ideals and appeals to our better angels, not cheap, below-the-belt, if-you-can't-beat-'em-destroy-'em attack ads.

. ...but wait; there's much more! Click here.

I like catch phrases as much as the next chap and I am sure it's there for legal reasons. However; ironicly according to one of those nightly news specials, "the candidates have no idea who is making these ads or what they are going to say. We have hired independent contractors to run that portion of the campaign. We see it when you see it." Hmmm....great, not nearly as cool as David Blane. So who is really getting elected to the office?

WELLLLL (in your best Ronald Reagan voice), I guess we'll just see. I am Maximus Doom and I approve this message.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the election is over, too. We did go vote. The lesser of two evils.

Linda Russell said...

That Dave!
No wonder he has won such wonderful awards.
What a great way to sum up how we must all be feeling.
Jerry would be proud!