Oh yes, the key! Aren't we always looking for the key? ...it's that hidden formula that makes everything magically perfect to our specifications. There are many keys. The key to life, immortality, success, happiness, love, my house, secrets of the mind and the list goes on invintum. I sit on a cliff of Friday, high atop a weekend trying to decide to fall or jump. I suppose I could "fly" if I held my tongue just right. Who knows. It's been a long, tiring journey to this seat...maybe I should enjoy it before vacating its comfort. The weekend will go entirely too fast and I will have done not enough that I wanted before doing what I must again. That's fine. I was built for this kind of punishment; relentless, stubborn and rugged. Sure I have dreams of grandure or more; and I would be good at it. My patience appears to be at a different pace than my life ("excuse me, could I get that on the rocks please"). Whatever the mood; I still remember just how blessed I am. As odd as I can be; I still know that its probably terrifyingly normal.
Hmmm....."pour me something tall and strong ...."
"....make it a hurricane before I go insane."
"....make it a hurricane before I go insane."
It's five o'clock somewhere!
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