I am sure everyone knows the story of Peter walking on the water. It's still timeless. Jesus calls Peter out of the perfectly fine boat to come to Him on the water. Peter does pretty well at first and proceeds to walk on the water. No doubt, he heard some of his friends still in the boat chattering about how "impossible" the situation looked and of the coming sharks to his feet. Of course, Peter, being as human as the rest of us, takes his eyes off Jesus and focuses on his situation/circumstance. ...and surely, he began to sink into water that was "impossible" for him to walk on anyway.
How terrifying life must be for those who have become "hopeless". How would you function each day believing that nothing mattered, that you had no destiny, your presence on this ball of mud is completely worthless, you can never change-its always gonna be this way or I've screwed up too many things, people and times? I have yet to grasp the magnitude of a God who would send His own Son for those who didn't know Him or cared even less. In complete humility I can only declare, thank God I'm NOT God!
The victory is in the "maintaing your focus on Him" not your situation. Even a good situation can become horrible from the wrong perspective. Ever notice how rotten some day could be but you got involved helping somebody else with their "rotten" problems and you end up feeling much better....the magic of it all. I don't know much about these grand mysteries; except to be honest and say "I don't know; but it works!"
He (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) has ALWAYS got a plan desiring only to prosper you and not harm you; bless you and not destroy you. Don't get me wrong, a "good" father always disciplines; but only because its for your benefit. Are we willing to learn, to respond to take the path less travelled? He's got you; do you have Him?
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