My idea of heroes has changed over time. Yeah, capes, rippling muscles, and super abilities along with a mask really defined heroes for me as a kid. Afterall, comic books were my first friends. Now I tend to admire my dad for his strength and fortitude. I admire my friend Joel not only for how he cares for his son and family but his ability to face the high ground when he's standing in mud. He's done some amazing thing career-wise that just astound me. I see heroes at church, righteous men willing to go to battle or standup for what's right even when it costs them many precious things. Heroes rush into a situation while the rest of us are running to safety. Firemen from 911 come to mind immediately.
Its always extraordinary when you can see a choice that you probably wouldn't have taken for the fear or the cost, being made by someone else who is just flesh and bones just like you facing all the same fears and costs that would have given you pause or flight. Not to mention the ability to self-sacrifice for the sake of others you don't even know; to love people you've never met or who never knew or liked you [yeah that guy too, what a hero...the Big J].
Those are the kinds of heroes I spend my time looking for. They don't need capes. They have hearts the size of Texas and a will bent on doing the right or best thing. They don't have to have fancy cars or hot women or cameras following their every step. True stength is silent; it never needs to be voiced by its posesser. It speaks volumes for itself. That's worth admiring. The capacity for love in the human heart is INVINCIBLE when we can let it out! I love that about being human. If you prick us; we do bleed. But we also heal and we also choose. To be human was never our choice.
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