A Life's Pursuit: Monsters to the Rescue!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Monsters to the Rescue!

I love monsters! They are the greatest .... Why do we love being scared? What is the magic of something that feeds our deepest fears to entertain us. I am often reminded of my most fun memories from the joy in seeing cool, funny, fuzzy monsters like the ones on Muppets or Sesame Street. Now there monsters are different from the other "monsters" that completely terrify and kill. These basicly are just ugly people who are your friends. (ok, that sounds worse than I meant it; but you know what I meant, right)

Some time ago and still sometimes now, I consider starting my club, The U.D.C. (The Ugly Duckling Club). It is an homage to my early childhood as a nerd and ugly duckling—which I am still both of those with pleasure. Therefore; I am always inclined to root for the Underdog -- another greatlove from the past. These childhood icons help us explain and define ourselves at a time that communication with the outside world can be fierce. As a kid, superheroes were the only people not beating me up; so I read and drew comic books for a long time. Drawing bullies was my number one way to survive the school bus ride to and from school. Since I had to do it a lot, I got pretty good back then.

So if your day isn't going so well...have a tall cool glass of warm, fuzzy memories and laugh about a simplier time when anything was possible — or at least, that's what they told you.

Hmmm....red light, yellow light, green light, go!

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