What sky have I fallen from? What is my true identity? How long must I be here and why?

We all ask those kinds of questions at some point. I don't know of many people who actually "know" the answers to those questions. It makes me think of the Garth Brooks song
"The Dance." If we knew it all; we might have missed "the dance."

We are all endowed with appetites for the zest of life. My pastor once said, "What you fail at long enough, you will quit." I think I can bear witness to the truth of that. How do we keep failing and keep trying as though we won't fail again? I don't know; but I try not to stop looking for the answer or ability to be that way. It's easy to give up when the tough gets impossible. When we do a self analysis, we often are bogged down in the "didn't do's" and "should haves" and miss the lesson that those things teach. I try to make my self diagnostic run at least once a month—when all thought and action is put on hold and I submerge below the surface of my humanity to seek what lies beneath. It all leaves such a
deep uneasy.It's great to have quality friends when you are in those situations. They add the air to your wings to help your legs stand. They also tell you when you are full of crap.
Hmmm....where is myself...what kind of question is that? ...more terrifying is the answer....
1 comment:
Interesting subject. We strive to lose ourselves to passion, to creativity, to
laughter. We stive to lose our pasts, hurry our futures. And then we
ask...where is myself.
Such resistant creatures we are. Wanting more and not wanting to lose parts of
us in the process.
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