People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Swiss-American psychiatrist and author
Monday's are a great time to put the ole gray-matter on ice and analyze it from afar. I like to take my brain out occassionally and study it. It tends to reveal things about me that I may have chosen to ignore or things that I didn't know before. We sometimes ask "why do they say that?" or "how can you feel that way?" Sometimes the responses are valid and others; one must consider the source. However; the logical side must conclude that "if enough independent feedback results are the same, does it constitute truth." Of course, I am reminded of the old saying, "if everybody jumps off the bridge, does that mean you will too?" Hmmm.......
We should always be fascinated and excited by the quest to understand ourselves; but not confined to the universe of our own. A butterfly was not always such; nor was a pile of defication. There's food for thought....pass the tablespoon please.
I am always looking to be successful, wealthy, well-thought of, peaceful, joy-filled, healthy, physically-fit, spiritually-fit, emotionally-fit, kind, thankful and merciful. It is said that life is a highway; I want to ride it all night long—sounds exhausting, counter-productive and unhealthy. I prefer to take my desserts in turn; just like I take bitter medicine. A coin can only be on one side at time...the universe supports that statement, at least in this reality.
The world is crammed with hurting people and you see them everyday whether victims or volunteers. I find I have less pity for volunteers; afterall, they signed up for it. I regret that we often "volunteer" for unsavory darknesses attracted to our own light for lack of extensive refraction. We love the familiar like an old favorite beatup coat that has been washed in familar days and dried in memories. I may never discover why I am me. It may never matter why I am me. So long as I am — I think I will focus on the positive and take my chances.
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