A Life's Pursuit: Take a Chill — Let the Universe Move

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Take a Chill — Let the Universe Move

Life is FULL of events and circumstances that "push" us along. Often, it even may seem that we are out of control. There are few things worse than feeling and knowing you are almost or totally out of hand. It's kinda like perfume....if you can smell it on yourself; it's probably WAY TOO STRONG.

I have found that when my "Spidey" senses go off; and they do at least once a month, I have to quaranteen myself and just pull inside and shut the doors and windows. I can only take in so much before the borders must be sealed and the contents analyzed and my core foundations re-established...kinda like defragmenting the harddrive or changing the oil—all that energy, pressure and stress wear down the viscosity of your spirit. Life can send you confusing signals; but it isn't life who is deciding how you live; it's YOU. YOU have to decide when to be "still." Everybody else's yes is my clue to no. Giving, living and killing time takes a lot out of you. Reach for the brakes! Where are YOU?

Deep below the surface; where there are no sounds, no distractions and no one else; there is a chart of core ideals that make up each person. Only in the purity of single-silence can the language it is written in be heard. The silence between life and death; the silence between now and then; the silence between soul and heart.

SLOW DOWN...what belongs to you is yours and no one can take it away. Take deliberate strides or strolls in identifying, enjoying and understanding your true essence—your God-Force. Enjoy time with your insides....they'll be with you hopefully for some time. Listen to what they say and set your bearings. When your strength nears full and your determination is over flowing; come out and play with the rest of the universe.

Hmmm....now that goat has bells.....

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