I was up early this morning and ready to go. Upon leaving my home after kissing my wife goodbye, I was greeted by a vaporous veil of white-grey fog. It wrapped around everything and hung as low as the hemline on the halleluyah section. I easily dismissed it at first. As I drove further; it became increasingly apparent that this was a very dense fog. I could hardly see 10 feet in front of my windshield. In fact, if people did not have their headlights on; they vanished like ghosts in the fog as their distance increased. I studied the vanishing and appearing of things familiar. I even studied the things I had not remembered or noticed as I drove along. It was mesmerizing like fish darting to and from the tank wall...making you wonder if they really were aware of your presence.
I wonder: We all work, play and get busy. How much fog clouds or shrouds our daily lives from the little truths or even the things we take for granted that are gifts to us everyday. Life, health, strength, being born in America, mental faculties, etc.
The truth fades in and out of the fog like ghostly sentries fully armed using only their eyes to penetrate our souls. Dare we even to begin to harken? The truth vanishes at a glance but never really disappears — our eyes close from the sting of its reality; the wound of our insufficiency.
Really close friends are aware of our uglies and remain beside us in spite of ourselves. Hopefully, as the fog reveals its mysteries and realities; we are not found crashing into trees and rails forgotten or unseen before us. We all have accidents and imperfections!
Dear God, please, let us never be alone in the fog...especially when we insist.....
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