A Life's Pursuit: We Were All Grasshoppers Once

Friday, March 02, 2007

We Were All Grasshoppers Once

KungFu Grasshopper

The flame of the candle burns as the passion in a man's soul, melting away the days of his life.

I was talking with my friend Bendy yesterday. I told her how proud I was of her for trying something completely new and going for it. She is taking masseuse classes to become a massage therapist. I even remarked that I should go beyond just considering the idea myself. She said just do it. I replied "but I am but a grasshopper." Her response generated this blog. She responded in her furocious blondeness, "Honey, we all began as grasshoppers! Shut up and get to it!"

How often, as adults, do we NOT do something because we are not ALREADY good at it? How often do we ignore our potiential for not wanting to LOOK bad or stupid while we are learning something new? Didn't Einstein begin as a grasshopper? Was Plato not first a student? Has there ever been a teacher that wasn't first a student? I think not. Even Jesus did the will of His Father; who are we to fear or regret the learning process? A willing student is a sponge hungry to be filled. That's how I want to always stay; constantly learning, willing to invest in learning, teaching others to learn by being a lifelong student. Well said, Bendy. Thanks for the reminder. This ones for you. Being a grasshoppa' is easier knowing you're going to be KungFu.


Duilio said...

Hi! you it wrote in Obliged mine blog!

You possess one powerboll? I also have one powerboll I can keep contact? he forgives, but my English is bad

Duilio said...

I liked the idea to learn a new language!

you are online in the Gmail? add to me duiliomtt@gmail.com

Bendy said...

You're welcome! I believe we should be active "learners" until the very end. Embrace life and all it has to offer :)

Anonymous said...

As a former professional learner (magazine reporter, whatever), I say amen to that.