A Life's Pursuit: I Miss You Later, Good-Bye

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I Miss You Later, Good-Bye

eternal eyes

Today's blog may seem a bit more strange than usual...but maybe you have had the same experience and this might make some sense on some physioemotional level.

Incident One: I had a friend back in 3rd grade that was hit and killed by a car. He was a good friend. At school the next day, a small group of us were sitting in the lunch room talking about him. So at some point, we are in deep conversation about him and asking the typical questions among ourselves we all suddenly stop and call his name. It was odd that we all did this at once staring in shock at each other then in one direction. We looked toward the lunchroom doom and then it opened and closed the same speed both ways. Yeah, we all felt "funny" but changed the subject. Nobody came in (at least visibly) and nobody was outside; so go figure....

Incident Two:I was attending a funeral of a close elder friend last year. An odd breeze came from nowhere with an erie feel. I was overwhelmed with the need to look to the left and so I did. What I thought I saw was this: I looked over my shoulder to the left as they were lowering the casket into the grave, hearing occasssional clumps of dirt fall when I looked. There I saw or I imagined (I don't know) my recently passed mother standing at one of the tombstones smiling at me as only a mother would. Granted it was an emotional day; but I was overcome with a peaceful feeling and a bizarre joy. I went back to watching the casket lowering into the ground; the words of the preacher seeming almost from a distance as some of my memories stream through of the times my mom and I had eaten together and laughed and the times I had seen motherly pride in her eyes and smile. The person in the casket was like another mother; I wondered if they would meet or know each other over there. I watched the people's faces and listened to the occassional breeze wondering if my imagination was real. I scanned the graveyard just in case there was somthing in the distance that I wasn't noticing. I remember several balls of light; but again, maybe I was imagining them. I still don't know and I guess I don't have to be sure at this point.

Those are just two incidents. Is "beyond" far from here? Is there already "here?" What is the toll to travel the bridge between here and there? Scripturally, you will be known as you were known...so they say. I wonder if some people or "spirits" get to hang around a little longer than others. There are times that I can "feel" or think I do, presences; then there is a point at which they are completely "gone." Perhaps that is fully crossed over. Which brings into question another blip on the modern TV-scape, John Edwards — the man who claims to talk with the other side. Hmmm...I have never met him and don't know him, so I cannot make any judgements there. I guess I conclude this blog with a quote from one of my very favorites..."The truth is out there..."

...just curious....are there more of us out there who have had these experiences or what do you think?

1 comment:

Andrew Stanfield said...

Incredible blog. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. And a very arresting image.