A Life's Pursuit: Moonpie Madness — Fever for Life

Friday, June 02, 2006

Moonpie Madness — Fever for Life

One must give homage to something that has survived and remained popular for so long. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present and introduce to others — the moonpie. The moonpie has quite a history! It goes a little something like this:

"Mr. Mitchell’s story goes like this ... Early in the 1900s, while servicing his territory of Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia, Mr. Mitchell was visiting a company store that catered to the coal miners. He asked them what they might enjoy as a snack. The miners said they wanted something for their lunch pails. It had to be solid and filling. “About how big?,!” Mr. Mitchell asked. Well about that time the moon was rising, so a miner held out his big hands, framing the moon and said, “About that big!” So, with that in mind, Mr. Mitchell headed back to the bakery with an idea. Upon his return he noticed some of the workers dipping graham cookies into marshmallow and laying them on the window sill to harden. So they added another cookie and a generous coating of chocolate and sent them back for the workers to try. In fact, they sent MoonPie® samples around with their other salespeople, too. The response they got back was so enormous that the MoonPie® became a regular item for the bakery."

The moonpie festival happens in Bellbuckle, Tennessee. There are even fun and memorable contest. Here are some pictures from the parade. Click

Life is like a moonpie. You come into the world all soft and gooey but discover you need to develop a harder shell for survival and protection of the gooey treasures inside. We coat that shell with chocolate smiles and fine pleasantries sewn together with "kiss my ..." thread. We are determined to be unique but all want to fit in and be accepted or respected by someone...evenmore; loved! Well moonpies are loved and cherished and devoured. If your were eaten; would they smile satisfied?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture of the bottle of RC Cola and the Moon Pie really brings back memories. I have seen a bottle like that in almost 50 years.

Cullie Bickham