A Life's Pursuit: Snowy Fridaku for the New Year

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Snowy Fridaku for the New Year

Its Friday and its the new year. Both of those are great circumstances to be enjoyed. The new year always sparks an assessment of the previous year, one's life direction, hopes, goals, and priorities. There is no crime in changing directions; only running in circles hoping to see something new. But before I ramble too far; I'll simply begin with a Friday haiku — a Friadaku about snow for which I affectionately call The Kroger Stimulus Package.

snowy day

Frigid Romance

Romantic dandruff,
Thickly falling from chilled skies;
Painting white beauty.

1 comment:

Andrew Stanfield said...

The haiku made me laugh in a very undignified manner, amusing to my fellow Starbucks denizens and highly embarrassing to yours truly. Welcome to the New Year!