A Life's Pursuit: Feasting Fridaku Fascinations

Friday, June 25, 2010

Feasting Fridaku Fascinations

blue jean monologues

Blue Globes
Oh solid orb blue
What moist fruit concealed between
Alabaster limbs.

cold beer, good friends

Cool Hot Worthwhiles
A Guiness, ice-cold,
Awaits friends free from day’s toil;
Lunch memorable.

girl force

Strong Currents
Deep, strong and vibrant
Lay fierce treasures to unwrap
And passions to slay.

mind maze

Cranium Midnight
Haiku, come now;
Paint what minds illuminate,
That eyesight conceals.

1 comment:

Andrew Stanfield said...

Concealed toil, fierce paint. Love the haiku and the complimentary artwork. It's a gift.