A Life's Pursuit: Maze of Discontent

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Maze of Discontent

The snow is gone but its energy still resides. We spend our days chasing a dream, some say "the American Dream;" but can a country claim a dream? Are all the rats in the maze aware that all the paths but one are dead ends? Its funny odd because everybody is selling the "one" way and any logical mind knows there are at least several ways to a destination. In America, at least for the moment, it's very easy to see that the BIG companies have let us down. Jobs that people thought were infinitely secure are gone. The system appears to be killing off the little people, the mom and pop companies and farmers that are truely the backbone of this great country fall by the hundreds. Radio shows (some) seem to be focused on FDR, the Great Depression and WPA when they aren't cramming down our throats how BAD the future is and what a mess the President is going to make.

Can he really make it any worse than the "know it alls" that got us here as they ran away with the loot have done? How do you do a job that bad and still get to keep your jobs PLUS get MORE money to manage again? Sign me up! Oh the billions flowing down the hill, long dried up before they reach the backbone. Skeletons without a spine fall from their own weight. Sure, lets give em more money and slap their hands for just being American.... And what stupid idot would boldly say "I want the president to fail!?" Are not all our destinies linked and bound together? That reminds me of the story of the frog and the scorpion. If we cannot change our private thoughts, our public displays will always be a disgrace.

There won't be any shortcuts and before its done; we'll all have to roll up our sleeves and push the car out of the mud. Yes, we're gonna get muddy, dirty, sweaty, testy, exhausted and probably sick of one another; but we won't be defeated! You can pick your career but you can't choose your family. Somehow this country typically prevails in spite of itself. While that shouldnt make us sigh with relief and complacency; it should make us endeavor to be that much more steadfast at accomplishing restoration of strength, unity and stability. No house stands divided. Surely things will be better; even if we all choke on hope.


Andrew Stanfield said...

It doesn't seem like there's a bottom right now, but we'll find it and we'll do what we have to do. We can carry on with hope or without it.

Linda Russell said...

As with all rock bottoms, we finally grow up. We see there is no way around univeral rules.

Give more than you take.
Spend less than you make.
Be kind with your words and hard on yourself.