A Life's Pursuit: Stuck in the 80's!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Stuck in the 80's!

Ok...you already know I listen to an iPOD to feed my creative monsters. Today I accidented upon this: Stuck in the 80's! Now I didnt think it would be that good; but it was pretty fun and really brought back some memories. I did like, maybe love the 80's! I can remember my brainwaves during that evolutionary point in my life....(smile, laugh, choke). Anyway, Napolean Dynamite would have been proud.

50 Ways To Know That You're Stuck In The 80's:
Written by: Paul Vecchione

30. You go to Pep-Boys trying to find a Flux-Capacitor for your new DeLorean.
31. Whenever you paint, you think to yourself, "Wax on, wax off, wax on, wax off".
32. You think that the word "come" in the song "Relax" is a synonym for "proceed".
33. You sometimes have a hard time sleeping because you're worried that Mr. Roper will find out that Jack isn't REALLY gay and kick him out of the apartment.
34. Nobody is impressed when you show them how well you can moonwalk.
35. One day, in a staff meeting, you turn to your boss with a quizzical look on your face and say," Whatcha talkin 'bout, Willis"?
36. Whenever you hear, "Flashdance", you must put a chair in the middle of the room, beat it, and have someone dump water on you. Your co-workers are getting tired of this.
37. You still have the birth certificate for your first Cabbage Patch Doll.
38. You can't figure out why nobody else sees the true talent of the "New Kids on the Block".
39. You've been trying to follow Skip Stephensons career since the end of "Real People" without much luck.
40. Whenever faced with a tough decision, you ask yourself, "What would Ferris do in this situation"
41. You still don't realize that Tic-Tac-Toe is a winless game.
42. You want hair just like Goose.
43. You use the phrase, "gag me with a spoon", at least three times per day.
44. You keep hoping that Twisted Sister will make a comeback.
45. You think the Pet Shop Boys are heterosexual.
46. You write a letter to the Gap asking them why they no longer sell parachute pants, because you really need a new pair.
47. You buy a Swatch.
48. You go to Subway and try to order a vegemite sandwich.
49. Your co-workers know to hide the fruit when you start walking around the building saying, "wakka-wakka-wakka"
50. You spend 3 hours on a Saturday night writing this list!!

...this is a great podcast to echo off the insides of your skull on a lonnnnggg day....

...now dont you want the rest....OK then here you go.

1 comment:

Andrew Stanfield said...

I really enjoyed that podcast. Talk about flashbacks. I couldn't stand the 80s when I was in them, but listening to the music and watching the movies now, I can't help but smile.