A Life's Pursuit: Holidaze

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Wednesday again....its the hump and I'm slidin' down the other side. This week will conclude work for 2007. By the time I return, it will be the NEW YeAr! Out with the old and in with new! I am looking forward to the next episode. So here we go. Seems like everything changes and change doesnt change. Se La Vie!

The Holidays: They can be really comforting when everything goes well. Typically it doesnt. People are always idealizing the "perfect family" "perfect Christmas" "perfect gifts" and the list goes on. Tradgiclly, Chirstmas is one of the most stressful times of the year. If anything is going wrong; it will be around Christmas. The money keeps going and the gifts keep flowing. Its quite easy to get caught up in the over commercialization and peer pressure buying frenzy.

The worst thing about holidays is when some great unforseen or inevitable strikes on such a day. That day becomes forever associated physio-emotionally with that time of the year...which is to say, every Christmas my stomach might tighten on the day of or before a bad memory. Luckily the opposite is also true. If really good things happen at that time of the year; then it can forever have an entourage of great tidings. I hope yours is the latter.

I suppose they are all good, holidays that is, and some are more favored than all. My hope is to stay hopeful and optomistic all year long. As I said to someone in line at the coffeeshop, "imagine if everybody treated everyone like it was Christmas." His eyes twinkled as he understood my inferrance. (Louis Armstrong plays in the background, "What a Wonderful World.") Ohhhh yeah.....


Linda Russell said...

And you only keep getting better!

Bendy said...

Have a wonderful Christmas and a very blessed new year. 2007 is the year of completion....2008 is the year of new beginnings. It's wide open Maxifrog!!