A Life's Pursuit: Tomb Raider!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tomb Raider!!!

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have no idea if there is ground , bridge, or air beyond it. Its been a long two weeks for me and it has been capped off by a coming funneral. One of my uncle's passed last night. My father his brother left me a voicemail with the news. I couldnt help but wonder what he was wondering. Is he wondering who will be the next one? Is he just sad at the loss? Does he fear the future coming? Is he excited about the unknown; but perceived known?

Long life is a blessing. Every blessing comes with a slight curse. In long life, one must watch others pass by the roadside. If one falls, the others must keep walking. I have noticed many times that the world keeps going. I have respect for the dead. When the funneral passes, I feel obligated to stop and give honor in letting those grieving pass. Their headlights are typically on...isnt that slightly interesting too. It's much like birth — for one moment in time the world acknowledges your existence, celebrating that reality. Of course not everyone stops. In fact this ball of lucky mud keeps spinning in space until it own funneral. It really wont be halted by us ... or will it?
By nature we little gods are such wierd little beings afraid that what we don't know, knows us....

The light speaks of itself going into the darkness and being unknown that all may know.

1 comment:

Linda Russell said...

Such a good man, who raised good men, your father.
You and he can count on being loved each moment as the future beats back the now