A Life's Pursuit: ...The Untouchable Tastic!..

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

...The Untouchable Tastic!..

surfing without a board

Well it's Wednesday and I am in my rare form — "energyfeeder" form; embracing the "untouchable tastic!" It's like an energy form all its own. It ebbs and swells and is surfable if you can stay with its viscious darting moves. It's a wild ride when you're tapped into the force of the universe. Typically, its very scary knowing you could lose yourself at any minute...like being swallowed by a tidal wave and being wiped out, burried under an unfathomable momentum. Maui is still fresh in my mind; the sound of the surf, the smell of the warm air and the relaxation of the bliss. I have been running full steam every since. The light remains only a dime-sized goal; never moving closer and sometimes blinking. I have re-started making a list of achieveables to guard my focus and energies. Making a reasonably short list of "to do's" helps increase the momentum necessary to be able to funnel and/or ride the energy of the cosmos. My head feels like a Broadway sign with all the old fashioned light bulbs going around the sign...everything is flashing, the hum of the electricity moving from filament to filament is deafening.

Its like watching every movie at once; like hearing a thousand conversations; but trying to listen to just one. That's where I am; not sure how but it happens occassionally; especially when I am on the downside of possible and under the weight of the unliftable. Something else is here with me; maybe within me. It's enuf to make you never want to be without the buzz of it and yet I often am. Arrgh...even now; with the distraction of having a walkman in one ear currently playing "Spirit in the Sky," I can hear the person across the room breathing and snorting, the spit leaking down the back of his throat like cooling lava from a volcano miles away. The lights overhead blink as the electricity nods at its passing opposites on neighboring wires, the cars outside pause at the red light as the gas flows through its veins like metal blood, even the bird taking off from the wire just out the window who chirps at being airborne; all in symphony with the roar of a huge transit bus driving through. Oh well....mmmmm....I like it, I like it all. As my fingers continue to race at emptying the fullness of my mind; I picture the condensation that occurs when cool air glazes a window and droplets form until they are so heavy, they begin to run — then the memory of watching rain on a windshield treated with RainX spread like terrified spiders across the windshield leaving it completely clear and dry. Its all so marvelous. Its all so mysterious. The gift of such little things that we may never understand and typically not even notice are continually given to us almost free of charge. I hope I get to keep this for the rest of my week. Life is most thrilling when we are off the security of the ground; suspended by Faith and Hope; defying the logic to look down; for looking down will steal any freedom from gravity and you will fall — some even sink. The eagle belongs in the sky; he's vulnerable on the ground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pure portals are rare