A Life's Pursuit: Reflections in Reality

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Reflections in Reality

Reflections are great. They can leave you between two worlds staring at just the important things.

The deep wet fog looms around the spires of the Batman building dusting the surrounding buildings with moisture as it crawls through the city. It's gloomy trail crawls down Broadway toward my tinted window. I can hardly see the distance of a block. I knew it would be one of those days. On the drive in, the dark clouds hung low scraping the landscape just below them. The lightning would occasionally make its presence known, scratching the dark sky with angry light. Was the light behind the darkness or just a crack in the sheet of reality? I don't know and I'm too tired to wonder beyond that.

Soon I will be in New Orleans or at least what remains. I anticipated more of the same dreary. Regardless, I will enjoy my time there. I have been to LA several times. It is one of the few places that I thought the air felt different or inhabited by something, heavier than the air everywhere else. I remember feeling it the moment I stepped off the plane. It lingers like stepping in day old doggy doo, solid on the outside but sticky and stinky in the center. [Hmm...I don't know where that came from but I ain't takin' it back.]

You may have noticed; but lately I have had "blogstupation." As with its truth; I had plenty to say, maybe just too much. I couldn't focus on just one direction. Too many stimuli, too many walls, no windows. [I know that that will make sense to some of you...LOL] This humble attempt at a blog will be my laxative I hope.

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