A Life's Pursuit: Reflections From The Other Side Of Friday

Friday, August 11, 2006

Reflections From The Other Side Of Friday

It's Friday again. Sometimes it seems we go through life waiting on the next weekend. I know I have been and may continue for a while to be guilty of that. I really treasure weekends. Aside from getting the things done that have to be done; it's a time to do something fun that you would rather have done all week long. It's kind of the carrot at the end of the rope. That's why I want to win the lottery or get rich quick — whichever comes first. It's about the option to "choose" how to spend your time and raise your quality of life and even be able to help other people too.

Of course, all those things can be done right now and today by anyone rich or poor; but few of us do. It's always "one of these days..." or "someday when...." The weekends are great to spend with good friends and eat good food and do whatever you want; provided you have enough time. Time is really what its all about. I have been surrounded with cancer victims the last couple of years and "time" is always the "soup de jour." You never have enough and you cannot make more--maybe that's land--anyway, you know what I mean.

Only through death does life look so appealing. There are few things worse than watching good people suffer and be completely helpless but to look or turn away. That terrifying word "CANCER" immediately reduces hope, faith and outlook. Sure, we all put on the good face and the hard-fight-glare; but deep inside, the small voice trembles. We are filled and emptied at the same time by the news. Anger and abandonment become bedfellows, covered by the sheets of why me. Of course, everyone is sorry; not that that really benefits anyone; even the one saying it. I believe someday we will discover that the cure was here all along and far more simple than a doctor could have ever deduced. But I, too, may be one of its victims by then. At least its the weekend....

1 comment:

Joel said...

Very good--Mikey...
You Da Man