Thoughts of the Day:
A foot of body for every inch of face....Bruce Lee
Life is but space around the distractions...Micheal Russell
To truely have nothing; one must quantify the lack of something, making nothing something in the process.....maximusdoom
Well its been a bit; but I am back in the blog. Imagine drowning in a sea of pontification about any situation regarding the fascination of all things of creation. Summer is coming and with it comes the more liberal side of darkness.
Peddlars of Flesh: I see them on warm mornings and cool afternoons going to and fro selling only what God gave them to protect. One must wonder if they are all doing it out of need or pleasure. It can be saddening to witness what was once valuable now discarded without discrection; loaned without interest. Such is the way of man; to crave beyond control. His birthright would ensure so much more; but he prefers to crawl....its dirtier that way.
Pigs don't require pearls. For those who "pimp" them; are they much less than drug dealers? Doesn't each sell addictive products or reality lessers? It is quite a site to see a lepard interior in a Cadillac with matching wide-wall tires and a driver so alike it; they are indistinguishable until separation. I thought it was like the movies; but its worse — far worse; movies end and its paticipants pretend to play regular people, though they would not dare succeed. Pimps come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and even backgrounds — just like most everything else.
What drives or leaves a person with no other alternatives? How do people not rip out their innards from crawling so long against their bellies through the muck? Is the homo-sapien instinct so far gone that standing is beyond reach anymore? Why, after thousands of years; is man still selling his sisters, brothers and mothers; even his children?
A blog for the ages.
I was not prepared to think as deeply about the subject as I was forced to after that first image made its way through my brain. You make fine and honorable points, each and every one.
Something I read, though, once (by a woman author): that putting women on a pedestal takes away from their personhood, robbing them of their right to act how they want to act.
Does the answer depend on the woman?
ahhhhh....the refreshing drink of cold logic
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