A Life's Pursuit: INVASION...One Blog From Friday

Thursday, May 18, 2006

INVASION...One Blog From Friday

What a beautiful day!!! I should have cut the grass yesterday; but I waited for a prettier day (wink). I bet the weekend will yield a day even better than this one. The sky is a beautiful blue and the birds dart gracefully high and low. Hmmm.... blog topics: well how about the Invasion finale show?

It's a great show that ties in real, current family issues like divorce, remarriage, step sibbling rivalries, coping, and even the "still loving the ex"...not to be left out — the relationship between the current new partners. Oh, did I mention, all of that with an alien invasion backdrop. No, its not the X-Files; but it may be the next best thing. It's smart, funny, interesting and stocked with drama.

The 2006 aliens resemble glow-in-the-dark stingrays with extra tentacles. These creatures use our bodies as hosts and typically enhance human characteristics instead of changing them from human form. Unlike old alien depictions with big heads and bug eyes or grotesque figures; these remain just like the person you have always known; but a little detached. Of course, human enhancement is not a new concept...what if the makers of Viagra, McDonalds or Frito Lay are really aliens taking us over at our most basic levels? We would never see it coming?


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