A Life's Pursuit: Silence is GOLDEN; words over-rated

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Silence is GOLDEN; words over-rated

quiet time

...it is my silence that billows like the ocean's thunder; not sugary speeches of insincerity...

Wow! It's been a spell since I got to let the brain leak. I was just thinking about how good silence really is and what can be gained from it. It is in this chasm of non-clutter that we might actually discover not only ourselves; but our own genius. Like an anchor in the sea, we can still our ship and really appreciate the stars, as well as gain a better understanding of our location and destination. I LOVE my silence as much as I love my alone time. In the stillness one learns how to move and in which direction with the effectiveness of now; not someday.

I have fond memories of my old college roommate and I sitting in a dark room with a candle and something on the rocks and absolutely no words...just the occassional whisper of a sip or movement of a flickering candle...enjoying company alone...ahhh nice! I still have his poem he wrote and had framed for my wedding 6 yrs ago...still very treasured. Thanks S*@!Fish.

Silence is really valuable when everything else in our lives is roaring and rumbling. Wisdom is often not accompanied by noise; but silence; thick winter blankets of it.


1 comment:

Andrew Stanfield said...

'Thick winter blankets' of silence- what an image!